Publication Search Results

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Showing 1641-1660 of about 1877 results.
The First Atomic Clock Program: NBS, 1947-1954v. 12No. 3-61–17
Forman, Paul. 1986. "The First Atomic Clock Program: NBS, 1947-1954." Proceedings of the 17th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Applications and Planning Meeting, 1985, 12, (3-6) 1–17.
ID: 107663
Type: article
Keywords: NMAH; Annals-Import
Review of By the Bomb's Early Light: American Thought and Culture at the Dawn of the Atomic Age by Paul Boyerv. 42No. 448–49
Forman, Paul. 1986. "Review of By the Bomb's Early Light: American Thought and Culture at the Dawn of the Atomic Age by Paul Boyer." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 42, (4) 48–49.
ID: 107613
Type: article
Keywords: NMAH; Annals-Import
Il a Nauheim del settembre 1920: unaintroduzione all vita scientifica nella Republica di Whemargoliardica59–78
Forman, Paul. 1986. "Il Naturforscherversammlung a Nauheim del settembre 1920: unaintroduzione all vita scientifica nella Republica di Whemar." In Laristrutturazione delle scienze tra le due guerre modiali. Battimelli, G., DeMaria, M., and Rossi, A., editors. 59–78. Rome: goliardica.
ID: 107656
Type: chapter
Keywords: NMAH; Annals
Women and Indians on the Frontier, 1825-1915DOI: info:10.2307/968647v. 17No. 168–69
Green, Rayna Diane. 1986. [Book review] "Women and Indians on the Frontier, 1825-1915." Western Historical Quarterly, 17, (1), 68–69.
ID: 102240
Type: book_review
Keywords: Book_review; NMAH
Pasts That Might Have Been, II: A Revised Bibliography of Alternative HistoryGarland301–363
Hacker, Barton C. and Chamberlain, Gordon B. 1986. "Pasts That Might Have Been, II: A Revised Bibliography of Alternative History." In Alternative Histories: Eleven Stories of the World as It Might Have Been. Waugh, Charles G. and Greenberg, Martin H., editors. 301–363. New York: Garland.
ID: 74112
Type: chapter
Keywords: NMAH
Coates, J. and Sean McGrail (eds.), The Greek Trireme of the 5th Century B.C. Discussion of a Projected Reconstructionv. 46No. 2121–122
Johnston, Paul F. 1986. [Book review] "Coates, J. and Sean McGrail (eds.), The Greek Trireme of the 5th Century B.C. Discussion of a Projected Reconstruction." The American Neptune, 46, (2), 121–122.
ID: 146373
Type: book_review
Keywords: NMAH; Book_review
Casson, L., v. 48No. 163–64
Johnston, Paul F. 1986. [Book review] "Casson, L., Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World." The American Neptune, 48, (1), 63–64.
ID: 146371
Type: book_review
Keywords: NMAH; Book_review
A. Lavoisier and P.S. Laplace, Experiments on Heat205
Kidwell, Peggy Aldrich. 1986. "A. Lavoisier and P.S. Laplace, Experiments on Heat." In The Eighteenth Century, a Current Bibliography. 205.
ID: 146380
Type: chapter
Keywords: NMAH; Book_review
E. C. Pickering, Lydia Hinchman, Harlow Shapley and the Beginning of Graduate Work at the Harvard College ObservatoryDOI: info:10.1016/0364-9229(86)90004-7v. 5No. 19157–171
Kidwell, Peggy Aldrich. 1986. "E. C. Pickering, Lydia Hinchman, Harlow Shapley and the Beginning of Graduate Work at the Harvard College Observatory." Astronomy Quarterly, 5, (19) 157–171.
ID: 107612
Type: article
Keywords: NMAH; Annals
Trolley Lines, Land Speculation and Community-Building: The Early History of Woodside Park, Silver Spring, Marylandv. 81No. 4316–329
Lubar, Steven. 1986. "Trolley Lines, Land Speculation and Community-Building: The Early History of Woodside Park, Silver Spring, Maryland." Maryland Historical Magazine, 81, (4) 316–329.
ID: 107653
Type: article
Keywords: NMAH; Annals
The Computer Museum, Boston, MassachusettsDOI: info:10.2307/3104946v. 27No. 196
Lubar, Steven. 1986. "The Computer Museum, Boston, Massachusetts." Technology and Culture, 27, (1) 96.
ID: 153615
Type: article
Keywords: NMAH
A Place for Public Business: The Material Culture of the Nineteenth-Century Federal Officev. 15165–179
Lubar, Steven and Stephens, Carlene E. 1986. "A Place for Public Business: The Material Culture of the Nineteenth-Century Federal Office." Business and Economic History, 15 165–179.
ID: 107614
Type: article
Keywords: NMAH; Annals
Dramas of Discovery: Medical History in Federal Theatre Playsv. 2No. 1
Melosh, Barbara. 1986. "Dramas of Discovery: Medical History in Federal Theatre Plays." Medical Heritage, 2, (1).
ID: 107657
Type: article
Keywords: NMAH; Annals-Import
Medicine in Diego Rivera's v. 2No. 2122–125
Melosh, Barbara. 1986. "Medicine in Diego Rivera's Detroit Industries." Medical Heritage, 2, (2) 122–125.
ID: 107658
Type: article
Keywords: NMAH; Annals-Import
'Peace in Demand': Gender as Politics in 1930s Antiwar PlaysDOI: info:10.1093/hwj/22.1.70v. 22No. 170–88
Melosh, Barbara. 1986. "'Peace in Demand': Gender as Politics in 1930s Antiwar Plays." History Workshop Journal, 22, (1) 70–88.
ID: 107618
Type: article
Keywords: nmah; annals
Exhibiting Women's HistoryTemple University Press203–221
Melosh, Barbara and Simmons, Christina. 1986. "Exhibiting Women's History." In Presenting the Past. Benson, Susan Porter, Brier, Stephen, and Rosenzweig, Roy, editors. 203–221. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
ID: 107675
Type: chapter
Keywords: NMAH; Annals
The Nature of Technological Knowledgev. 43
Molella, Arthur P. 1986. [Book review] "The Nature of Technological Knowledge." Annals of Science, 43,
ID: 142116
Type: book_review
Keywords: NMAH; Book_review
In Praise of Top Fuelersv. 158–63
Post, Robert C. 1986. "In Praise of Top Fuelers." American Heritage of Invention and Technology, 1 58–63.
ID: 107639
Type: article
Keywords: NMAH; Annals-Import
Von Daimler und Benz zu Garlits und Beckv. 10No. 2114–123
Post, Robert C. 1986. "Von Daimler und Benz zu Garlits und Beck." Kultur & Technik, 10, (2) 114–123.
ID: 107651
Type: article
Keywords: NMAH; Annals-Import
Tancook Island: Birthplace of the Tancook Whalerv. 6No. 1Cuttyhunk Historical Society
Post, Robert C. 1986. "Tancook Island: Birthplace of the Tancook Whaler." Quarterboard: Newsletter of the Cuttyhunk Historical Society, 6, (1).
ID: 153614
Type: article
Keywords: nmah