Publication Search Results

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Showing 1-20 of about 39 results.
Selective Sampling to and Desorption from Single Solid-Phase Microextraction Arrow Fiber for Replicative and Quantitative AnalysisDOI: info:10.1021/jasms.3c00394
Newsome, G. A., Birdsall, Erin R., and Cody, Robert B. 2024. "Selective Sampling to and Desorption from Single Solid-Phase Microextraction Arrow Fiber for Replicative and Quantitative Analysis." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry,
ID: 171598
Type: article
Keywords: mci; nmai
Sampling, Ambient Mass Spectrometry, and the Philosophy of Damage in a Museum Setting [presentation]
Newsome, G. Asher. 2024. Sampling, Ambient Mass Spectrometry, and the Philosophy of Damage in a Museum Setting [presentation]. February 2, 2024. Kingston, Ottawa, Canada: Queen's Universtiy.
ID: 171846
Type: presentation
Keywords: mci; presentation
Ancient Chromophores and Auxiliaries: Phrygian Colorants from Tumulus MM at Gordion, Turkey, ca 740 BCEDOI: info:10.3390/heritage6020118v. 6No. 22220–2246
Ballard, Mary, Newsome, G. Asher, Simpson, Elizabeth, and Burke, Brendan. 2023. "Ancient Chromophores and Auxiliaries: Phrygian Colorants from Tumulus MM at Gordion, Turkey, ca 740 BCE." Heritage, 6, (2) 2220–2246.
ID: 167606
Type: article
Keywords: MCI
Flow-Optimized Model for Gas Jet Desorption Sampling Mass SpectrometryDOI: info:10.1021/acs.jpca.2c07999
Chen, Xi, Newsome, G. Asher, Buchanan, Michael, Glasper, Jeremy, Hua, Leyan, Latif, Mohsen, Gandhi, Viraj, Li, Xintong, and Larriba-Andaluz, Carlos. 2023. "Flow-Optimized Model for Gas Jet Desorption Sampling Mass Spectrometry." The Journal of Physical Chemistry A,
ID: 167482
Type: article
Keywords: MCI
Minimally Invasive Liquid Microjunction Sampling to Identify Dye on a 17th Century Spanish Illuminated ManuscriptDOI: info:10.1021/jasms.3c00098
Lawther, Hannah A. and Newsome, G. Asher. 2023. "Minimally Invasive Liquid Microjunction Sampling to Identify Dye on a 17th Century Spanish Illuminated Manuscript." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry,
ID: 168406
Type: article
Keywords: MCI
SPME-DART Interface and Multi-slot Syringe for Arrow FiberDOI: info:10.25573/DATA.21339078.V1Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute
Newsome, G. Asher. 2023. [Dataset] SPME-DART Interface and Multi-slot Syringe for Arrow Fiber. Distributed by Suitland, Maryland: Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute.
ID: 170567
Type: dataset
Keywords: mci; dataset
Gas-phase dopant flow to modify nanoLC-MS and nanoESI protein chargeDOI: info:10.1016/j.ijms.2023.117026v. 487
Newsome, G. Asher and Cleland, Timothy P. 2023. "Gas-phase dopant flow to modify nanoLC-MS and nanoESI protein charge." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 487.
ID: 170241
Type: article
Keywords: mci
Non-proximate Sampling and Photoionization for Damage-Free Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Intact Native American BasketsDOI: info:10.1021/acs.analchem.3c01468v. 95No. 2810695–10702
Newsome, G. Asher and Martin, Kathleen M. 2023. "Non-proximate Sampling and Photoionization for Damage-Free Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Intact Native American Baskets." Analytical Chemistry, 95, (28) 10695–10702.
ID: 170015
Type: article
Keywords: MCI; NMAI
King Midas’s Textiles: Dyeing and Weaving Technology in Ancient PhrygiaDOI: info:10.7560/TMJ50014–31
Simpson, Elizabeth, Ballard, Mary W., Newsome, G. A., and Burke, Brendan. 2023. "King Midas’s Textiles: Dyeing and Weaving Technology in Ancient Phrygia." The Textile Museum Journal, 4–31.
ID: 171361
Type: article
Keywords: mci
Faces of Mass Spectrometry/Asher NewsomeDOI: info:10.1021/jasms.2c00278
Brenner, Anne, Moore, Susannah C., and Newsome, G. Asher. 2022. "Faces of Mass Spectrometry/Asher Newsome." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry,
ID: 166580
Type: article
Keywords: MCI
Nanospray Flex fitted enclosure plateDOI: info:10.25573/DATA.21339075.V1Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute
Newsome, G. Asher. 2022. [Dataset] Nanospray Flex fitted enclosure plate. Distributed by Suitland, Maryland: Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute.
ID: 170568
Type: dataset
Keywords: mci; dataset
High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Nontraditional Mass Defect Analysis of Brominated Historical PigmentsDOI: info:10.1021/acs.analchem.1c03815v. 93No. 4414851–14858
Alvarez-Martin, Alba, Newsome, G. Asher, and Janssens, Koen. 2021. "High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Nontraditional Mass Defect Analysis of Brominated Historical Pigments." Analytical Chemistry, 93, (44) 14851–14858.
ID: 166605
Type: article
Keywords: MCI
In-Line Dopant Generation for Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Mass SpectrometryDOI: info:10.1021/acs.analchem.1c02400v. 93No. 40American Chemical Society13527–13533
Newsome, G. Asher and Cleland, Timothy P. 2021. "In-Line Dopant Generation for Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Mass Spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry, 93, (40) 13527–13533.
ID: 160809
Type: article
Keywords: MCI
A COVID-Redirect – Investigation and Mitigation of Adhesive Off-gassing and Crystal Formation Inside Exhibition Cases Takes an Unexpected Detourv. 11
Heald, Susan, George, John, Osmond, Lauren, Elston, Sarah, Kaczkowski, Rebecca, Kavich, Gwenaelle, and Newsome, G. Asher. 2021. "A COVID-Redirect – Investigation and Mitigation of Adhesive Off-gassing and Crystal Formation Inside Exhibition Cases Takes an Unexpected Detour." Collections Quarterly, 11.
ID: 161129
Type: article
Keywords: NMAI; MCI
Extending the Reach: Non-Proximate Sampling for Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Large Objects and Surfacesv. 3914–16
Newsome, G. Asher. 2021. "Extending the Reach: Non-Proximate Sampling for Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Large Objects and Surfaces." LCGC North America, 39, (s10) 14–16.
ID: 160978
Type: article
Keywords: MCI
Identifying VOCs in exhibition cases and efflorescence on museum objects exhibited at Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian-New YorkDOI: info:10.1186/s40494-020-00454-4v. 8Springer
Alvarez-Martin, Alba, George, John, Kaplan, Emily, Osmond, Lauren, Bright, Leah, Newsome, G. Asher, Kaczkowski, Rebecca, Vanmeert, Frederik, Kavich, Gwénaëlle, and Heald, Susan. 2020. "Identifying VOCs in exhibition cases and efflorescence on museum objects exhibited at Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian-New York." Heritage Science, 8.
ID: 157442
Type: article
Keywords: MCI; NMAI
Salting Out: A Simple and Reliable Method to Distinguish Between Common Fluid Preservatives and Estimate Alcohol ConcentrationDOI: info:10.14351/0831-4985-34.1.11v. 34No. 111–31
Finkelde, Irene and Newsome, G. Asher. 2020. "Salting Out: A Simple and Reliable Method to Distinguish Between Common Fluid Preservatives and Estimate Alcohol Concentration." Collection Forum, 34, (1) 11–31.
ID: 160488
Type: article
Keywords: NMNH; MCI; NH-Other
Interface for Reproducible, Multishot Direct Analysis of Solid-Phase Microextraction SamplesDOI: info:10.1021/acs.analchem.9b05691American Chemical SocietyArticle 9b05691
Newsome, G. Asher, Kavich, Gwénaëlle, and Alvarez-Martin, Alba. 2020. "Interface for Reproducible, Multishot Direct Analysis of Solid-Phase Microextraction Samples." Analytical Chemistry, Article 9b05691.
ID: 154383
Type: article
Keywords: MCI
Real-time Detection and Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Secondary Organic Aerosols with a Quadrupole Ion TrapDOI: info:10.26434/chemrxiv.12633836.v1
Newsome, G. Asher, Rosen, Elias P., Kamens, Richard M., and Glish, Gary L. 2020. Real-time Detection and Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Secondary Organic Aerosols with a Quadrupole Ion Trap.
ID: 156728
Type: report
Keywords: MCI
Characterization of Zinc Carboxylates in an Oil Paint Test PanelDOI: info:10.1080/00393630.2019.1666467v. 65No. 1Taylor & Francis14–27
Romano, Christine, Lam, Thomas, Newsome, G. Asher, Taillon, Joshua A., Little, Nicole, and Tsang, Jia-sun. 2020. "Characterization of Zinc Carboxylates in an Oil Paint Test Panel." Studies in Conservation, 65, (1) 14–27.
ID: 152406
Type: article
Keywords: MCI