Evidence for an Earliest Late Carboniferous Divergence Time and the Early Larval Ecology and Diversification of Major Holometabola Lineages

Evidence for an Earliest Late Carboniferous Divergence Time and the Early Larval Ecology and Diversification of Major Holometabola LineagesDOI: info:10.1664/10-RA-011.1v. 117No. 19–21
Labandeira, Conrad C. 2011. "Evidence for an Earliest Late Carboniferous Divergence Time and the Early Larval Ecology and Diversification of Major Holometabola Lineages." Entomologica Americana, 117, (1) 9–21. https://doi.org/10.1664/10-RA-011.1.
ID: 101289
Type: article
Keywords: NH-Paleobiology; NMNH