Tropical Understory Piper Shrubs Maintain High Levels of Genotypic Diversity Despite Frequent Asexual Recruitment

Tropical Understory Piper Shrubs Maintain High Levels of Genotypic Diversity Despite Frequent Asexual RecruitmentDOI: info:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2011.00763.xv. 44No. 135–43
Lasso, Eloisa, Dalling, James W., and Bermingham, Eldredge. 2012. "Tropical Understory Piper Shrubs Maintain High Levels of Genotypic Diversity Despite Frequent Asexual Recruitment." Biotropica, 44, (1) 35–43.
ID: 109570
Type: article
Keywords: STRI