A Large Population of Massive Compact Post-starburst Galaxies at z > 1: Implications for the Size Evolution and Quenching Mechanism of Quiescent Galaxies

A Large Population of Massive Compact Post-starburst Galaxies at z > 1: Implications for the Size Evolution and Quenching Mechanism of Quiescent GalaxiesDOI: info:10.1088/0004-637X/745/2/179v. 745No. 2
Whitaker, Katherine E., Kriek, Mariska, van Dokkum, Pieter G., Bezanson, Rachel, Brammer, Gabriel, Franx, Marijn, and Labbé, Ivo. 2012. "A Large Population of Massive Compact Post-starburst Galaxies at z > 1: Implications for the Size Evolution and Quenching Mechanism of Quiescent Galaxies." The Astrophysical Journal, 745, (2). https://doi.org/10.1088/0004-637X/745/2/179.
ID: 110269
Type: article
Keywords: SAO