The impact of recent advances in laboratory astrophysics on our understanding of the cosmos

The impact of recent advances in laboratory astrophysics on our understanding of the cosmosDOI: info:10.1088/0034-4885/75/3/036901v. 756901
Savin, D. W., Brickhouse, Nancy S., Cowan, J. J., Drake, R. P., Federman, S. R., Ferland, G. J., Frank, A., Gudipati, M. S., Haxton, W. C., Herbst, E., Profumo, S., Salama, F., Ziurys, L. M., and Zweibel, E. G. 2012. "The impact of recent advances in laboratory astrophysics on our understanding of the cosmos." Reports on Progress in Physics, 75 6901.
ID: 110750
Type: article
Keywords: SAO