Two genera of Aulacoscelinae beetles reflexively bleed Azoxyglycosides found in their host Cycads

Two genera of Aulacoscelinae beetles reflexively bleed Azoxyglycosides found in their host CycadsDOI: info:10.1007/s10886-011-9977-5v. 37No. 7736–740
Prado, Alberto, Ledezma, Julieta, Cubilla-Rios, Luis, Bede, Jacqueline, and Windsor, Donald M. 2011. "Two genera of Aulacoscelinae beetles reflexively bleed Azoxyglycosides found in their host Cycads." Journal of chemical ecology, 37, (7) 736–740.
ID: 111276
Type: article
Keywords: STRI