The Low-velocity, Rapidly Fading Type Ia Supernova 2002es

The Low-velocity, Rapidly Fading Type Ia Supernova 2002esDOI: info:10.1088/0004-637X/751/2/142v. 751142
Ganeshalingam, Mohan, Li, Weidong, Filippenko, Alexei V., Silverman, Jeffrey M., Chornock, Ryan, Foley, Ryan J., Matheson, Thomas, Kirshner, Robert P., Milne, Peter, Calkins, Mike, and Shen, Ken J. 2012. "The Low-velocity, Rapidly Fading Type Ia Supernova 2002es." The Astrophysical Journal, 751 142.
ID: 112028
Type: article
Keywords: SAO