An Empirical Correction for Activity Effects on the Temperatures, Radii, and Estimated Masses of Low-mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs

An Empirical Correction for Activity Effects on the Temperatures, Radii, and Estimated Masses of Low-mass Stars and Brown DwarfsDOI: info:10.1088/0004-637X/756/1/47v. 75647
Stassun, Keivan G., Kratter, Kaitlin M., Scholz, Aleks, and Dupuy, Trent J. 2012. "An Empirical Correction for Activity Effects on the Temperatures, Radii, and Estimated Masses of Low-mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs." The Astrophysical Journal, 756 47.
ID: 113023
Type: article
Keywords: SAO