New Superfamily and Three New Families of Tetraodontiform Fishes from the Upper Cretaceous: The Earliest and Most Morphologically Primitive Plectognaths

New Superfamily and Three New Families of Tetraodontiform Fishes from the Upper Cretaceous: The Earliest and Most Morphologically Primitive PlectognathsDOI: info:10.5479/si.00810266.82.1Smithsonian Institution59
Tyler, James C. and Sorbini, Lorenzo. 1996. New Superfamily and Three New Families of Tetraodontiform Fishes from the Upper Cretaceous: The Earliest and Most Morphologically Primitive Plectognaths. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. In Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology, 82.
ID: 113502
Type: book
Keywords: nmnh; nh-paleobiology