Kinematics of the CO Gas in the Inner Regions of the TW Hya Disk

Kinematics of the CO Gas in the Inner Regions of the TW Hya DiskDOI: info:10.1088/0004-637X/757/2/129v. 757129
Rosenfeld, Katherine A., Qi, Chunhua, Andrews, Sean M., Wilner, David J., Corder, Stuartt A., Dullemond, C. P., Lin, Shin-Yi, Hughes, A. M., D'Alessio, Paola, and Ho, P. T. P. 2012. "Kinematics of the CO Gas in the Inner Regions of the TW Hya Disk." The Astrophysical Journal, 757 129.
ID: 113706
Type: article
Keywords: SAO