The Progenitor of SN 2011ja: Clues from Circumstellar Interaction

The Progenitor of SN 2011ja: Clues from Circumstellar InteractionDOI: info:10.1088/0004-637X/774/1/30v. 77430
Chakraborti, Sayan, Ray, Alak, Smith, Randall, Ryder, Stuart, Yadav, Naveen, Sutaria, Firoza, Dwarkadas, Vikram V., Chandra, Poonam, Pooley, David, and Roy, Rupak. 2013. "The Progenitor of SN 2011ja: Clues from Circumstellar Interaction." The Astrophysical Journal, 774 30.
ID: 117197
Type: article
Keywords: SAO