Diversity and composition of arboreal beetle assemblages in tropical pasture afforestations: effects of planting schemes and tree species identity

Diversity and composition of arboreal beetle assemblages in tropical pasture afforestations: effects of planting schemes and tree species identityDOI: info:10.1007/s10531-012-0372-5v. 21No. 13Springer3423–3444
Plath, Mirco, Dorn, Silvia, Barrios, Hector, and Mody, Karsten. 2012. "Diversity and composition of arboreal beetle assemblages in tropical pasture afforestations: effects of planting schemes and tree species identity." Biodiversity Conservation, 21, (13) 3423–3444. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-012-0372-5.
ID: 117230
Type: article
Keywords: STRI; research associate; student