Resisting habitat fragmentation: High genetic connectivity among populations of the frugivorous bat Carollia castanea in an agricultural landscape

Resisting habitat fragmentation: High genetic connectivity among populations of the frugivorous bat castanea in an agricultural landscapeDOI: info:10.1016/j.agee.2013.12.006v. 185Elsevier9–15
Ripperger, Simon P., Tschapka, Marco, Kalko, Elisabeth K. V., Rodriguez-Herrera, Bernal, and Mayer, Frieder. 2014. "Resisting habitat fragmentation: High genetic connectivity among populations of the frugivorous bat Carollia castanea in an agricultural landscape." Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 185 9–15.
ID: 118133
Type: article
Keywords: STRI; Research Associate