The role of cluster mergers and travelling shocks in shaping the Ha luminosity function at z ˜ 0.2: `sausage' and `toothbrush' clusters

The role of cluster mergers and travelling shocks in shaping the Ha luminosity function at z ˜ 0.2: `sausage' and `toothbrush' clustersDOI: info:10.1093/mnras/stt2286v. 4381377–1390
Stroe, Andra, Sobral, David, Röttgering, Huub J. A., and van Weeren, Reinout J. 2014. "The role of cluster mergers and travelling shocks in shaping the Ha luminosity function at z ˜ 0.2: `sausage' and `toothbrush' clusters." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 438 1377–1390.
ID: 119067
Type: article
Keywords: SAO