Anthropogenic emissions of highly reactive volatile organic compounds in eastern Texas inferred from oversampling of satellite (OMI) measurements of HCHO columns

Anthropogenic emissions of highly reactive volatile organic compounds in eastern Texas inferred from oversampling of satellite (OMI) measurements of HCHO columnsDOI: info:10.1088/1748-9326/9/11/114004v. 9114004
Zhu, Lei, Jacob, Daniel J., Mickley, Loretta J., Marais, Eloïse A., Cohan, Daniel S., Yoshida, Yasuko, Duncan, Bryan N., González Abad, Gonzalo, and Chance, Kelly V. 2014. "Anthropogenic emissions of highly reactive volatile organic compounds in eastern Texas inferred from oversampling of satellite (OMI) measurements of HCHO columns." Environmental Research Letters, 9 114004.
ID: 133169
Type: article
Keywords: SAO