Cheating on the mutualistic contract: nutritional gain through seed predation in the frugivorous bat Chiroderma villosum (Phyllostomidae)

Cheating on the mutualistic contract: nutritional gain through seed predation in the frugivorous bat (Phyllostomidae)DOI: info:10.1242/jeb.114322v. 218The Company of Biologists Ltd1016–1021
Wagner, Insa, Ganzhorn, Jö, Kalko, Elisabeth K. V., and Tschapka, Marco. 2015. "Cheating on the mutualistic contract: nutritional gain through seed predation in the frugivorous bat Chiroderma villosum (Phyllostomidae)." The Journal of experimental biology, 218 1016–1021.
ID: 135606
Type: article
Keywords: STRI