Valid publication and typification of Taxiphyllum deplanatum (Hypnaceae) and other new names of moss taxa distributed in Sullivant's Musci Alleghanienses

Valid publication and typification of DOI: info:10.1179/1743282015Y.0000000008v. 37No. 3W.S. Maney & Son Ltd215–227
Ochyra, Ryszard, Bednarek-Ochyra, Halina, and Ireland, Robert Root. 2015. "Valid publication and typification of Taxiphyllum deplanatum (Hypnaceae) and other new names of moss taxa distributed in Sullivant's Musci Alleghanienses." Journal of Bryology, 37, (3) 215–227.
ID: 136097
Type: article
Keywords: NH-Botany; NMNH