Oroclinal bending of the Juan Fernández Ridge suggested by geohistory analysis of the Bahía Inglesa Formation, north-central Chile

Oroclinal bending of the Juan Fernández Ridge suggested by geohistory analysis of the Bahía Inglesa Formation, north-central ChileDOI: info:10.1016/j.sedgeo.2015.12.003v. 33332–49
Le Roux, Jacobus P., Achurra, Luciano, Henríquez, Álvaro, Carreño, Catalina, Rivera, Huber, Suárez, Mario E., Ishman, Scott E., Pyenson, Nicholas D., and Gutstein, Carolina S. 2016. "Oroclinal bending of the Juan Fernández Ridge suggested by geohistory analysis of the Bahía Inglesa Formation, north-central Chile." Sedimentary Geology, 333 32–49. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2015.12.003.
ID: 138648
Type: article
Keywords: NH-Mineral Sciences; NH-Paleobiology; NMNH