Land use imperils plant and animal community stability through changes in asynchrony rather than diversity

Land use imperils plant and animal community stability through changes in asynchrony rather than diversityDOI: info:10.1038/ncomms10697v. 7Nature Publishing Group10697
Blüthgen, Nico, Simons, Nadja K., Jung, Kirsten, Prati, Daniel, Renner, Swen C., Boch, Steffen, Fischer, Markus, Hölzel, Norbert, Klaus, Valentin H., Kleinebecker, Till, Tschapka, Marco, Weisser, Wolfgang W., and Gossner, Martin M. 2016. "Land use imperils plant and animal community stability through changes in asynchrony rather than diversity." Nature Communications, 7 10697.
ID: 139230
Type: article
Keywords: NZP