Phylogenetic composition and structure of tree communities shed light on historical processes influencing tropical rainforest diversity

Phylogenetic composition and structure of tree communities shed light on historical processes influencing tropical rainforest diversityDOI: info:10.1111/ecog.02104v. 40No. 4Munksgaard International Publishers; Blackwell Publishers521–530
Carlucci, Marcos B., Seger, Guilherme D. S., Sheil, Douglas, Amaral, Iê, Chuyong, George B., Ferreira, Leandro V., Galatti, Ulisses, Hurtado, Johanna, Kenfack, David, Leal, Darley C., Lewis, Simon L., Lovett, Jon C., Marshall, Andrew R., Martin, Emanuel, Mugerwa, Badru, Munishi, Pantaleo, Oliveira, Átila Cristina A., Razafimahaimodison, Jean Claude, Rovero, Francesco, Sainge, Moses N., Thomas, Duncan, Pillar, Valério D., and Duarte, Leandro D. S. 2017. "Phylogenetic composition and structure of tree communities shed light on historical processes influencing tropical rainforest diversity." Ecography, 40, (4) 521–530.
ID: 139436
Type: article
Keywords: NH-Botany; NMNH; STRI; si-federal