Forests of opportunities and mischief: disentangling the interactions between forests, parasites and immune responses

Forests of opportunities and mischief: disentangling the interactions between forests, parasites and immune responsesDOI: info:10.1016/j.ijpara.2016.04.008v. 46No. 9571–579
Renner, Swen C., Lüdtke, Bruntje, Kaiser, Sonja, Kienle, Julia, Schaefer, H. M., Segelbacher, Gernot, Tschapka, Marco, and Santiago-Alarcon, Diego. 2016. "Forests of opportunities and mischief: disentangling the interactions between forests, parasites and immune responses." International journal for parasitology, 46, (9) 571–579.
ID: 139824
Type: article
Keywords: NZP