The MASSIVE Survey. IV. The X-ray Halos of the Most Massive Early-type Galaxies in the Nearby Universe

The MASSIVE Survey. IV. The X-ray Halos of the Most Massive Early-type Galaxies in the Nearby UniverseDOI: info:10.3847/0004-637X/826/2/167v. 826167
Goulding, Andy D., Greene, Jenny E., Ma, Chung-Pei, Veale, Melanie, Bogdan, Akos, Nyland, Kristina, Blakeslee, John P., McConnell, Nicholas J., and Thomas, Jens. 2016. "The MASSIVE Survey. IV. The X-ray Halos of the Most Massive Early-type Galaxies in the Nearby Universe." The Astrophysical Journal, 826 167.
ID: 140750
Type: article
Keywords: SAO