The Connection between the Radio Jet and the ?-ray Emission in the Radio Galaxy 3C 120 and the Blazar CTA 102

The Connection between the Radio Jet and the ?-ray Emission in the Radio Galaxy 3C 120 and the Blazar CTA 102DOI: info:10.3390/galaxies4040034v. 4Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)34
Casadio, Carolina, Gómez, José, Jorstad, Svetlana, Marscher, Alan, Grandi, Paola, Larionov, Valeri, Lister, Matthew, Smith, Paul, Gurwell, Mark, Lähteenmäki, Anne, Agudo, Iván, Molina, Sol, Bala, Vishal, Joshi, Manasvita, Taylor, Brian, Williamson, Karen, Kovalev, Yuri, Savolainen, Tuomas, Pushkarev, Alexander, Arkharov, Arkady, Blinov, Dmitry, Borman, George, Di Paola, Andrea, Grishina, Tatiana, Hagen-Thorn, Vladimir et al. 2016. "The Connection between the Radio Jet and the ?-ray Emission in the Radio Galaxy 3C 120 and the Blazar CTA 102." Galaxies, 4 34.
ID: 140775
Type: article
Keywords: SAO