Optical Outburst of the Blazar S4 0954+658 in Early 2015

Optical Outburst of the Blazar S4 0954+658 in Early 2015DOI: info:10.3390/galaxies4030024v. 4Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)24
Morozova, Daria, Larionov, Valeri, Jorstad, Svetlana, Marscher, Alan, Troitskaya, Yulia, Troitskiy, Ivan, Blinov, Dmitriy, Borman, Georg, and Gurwell, Mark. 2016. "Optical Outburst of the Blazar S4 0954+658 in Early 2015." Galaxies, 4 24. https://doi.org/10.3390/galaxies4030024.
ID: 140776
Type: article
Keywords: SAO