Finding flowers in the dark: nectar-feeding bats integrate olfaction and echolocation while foraging for nectar

Finding flowers in the dark: nectar-feeding bats integrate olfaction and echolocation while foraging for nectarDOI: info:10.1098/rsos.160199v. 3No. 8160199
Gonzalez-Terrazas, Tania, Martel, Carlos, Milet-Pinheiro, Paulo, Ayasse, Manfred, Kalko, Elisabeth K. V., and Tschapka, Marco. 2016. "Finding flowers in the dark: nectar-feeding bats integrate olfaction and echolocation while foraging for nectar." Royal Society Open Science, 3, (8) 160199.
ID: 141024
Type: article
Keywords: STRI