The complete mitochondrial genome of the land snail Cerion incanum (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora) and the phylogenetic relationships of Cerionidae within Panpulmonata

The complete mitochondrial genome of the land snail (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora) and the phylogenetic relationships of Cerionidae within PanpulmonataDOI: info:10.1093/mollus/eyw017v. 82No. 4Oxford University Press525–533
González, Vanessa L., Kayal, Ehsan, Halloran, Margaret, Shrestha, Yesha, and Harasewych, M. G. 2016. "The complete mitochondrial genome of the land snail Cerion incanum (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora) and the phylogenetic relationships of Cerionidae within Panpulmonata." Journal of Molluscan Studies, 82, (4) 525–533.
ID: 141675
Type: article
Keywords: NMNH; NH-Invertebrate Zoology