Guidelines for collecting vouchers and tissues intended for genomic work (Smithsonian Institution): Botany Best Practices

Guidelines for collecting vouchers and tissues intended for genomic work (Smithsonian Institution): Botany Best PracticesDOI: info:10.3897/BDJ.5.e11625No. 5e11625
Funk, Vicki Ann, Gostel, Morgan, Devine, Amanda, Kelloff, Carol L., Wurdack, Kenneth J., Tuccinardi, Chris, Radosavljevic, Aleks, Peters, Melinda, and Coddington, Jonathan. 2017. "Guidelines for collecting vouchers and tissues intended for genomic work (Smithsonian Institution): Botany Best Practices." Biodiversity Data Journal, (5) e11625.
ID: 142772
Type: article
Keywords: NH-Botany; NMNH; NH-Entomology