The NuSTAR Serendipitous Survey: Hunting for the Most Extreme Obscured AGN at >10 keV

The NuSTAR Serendipitous Survey: Hunting for the Most Extreme Obscured AGN at >10 keVDOI: info:10.3847/1538-4357/aa8176v. 84620
Lansbury, G. B., Alexander, D. M., Aird, J., Gandhi, P., Stern, D., Koss, M., Lamperti, I., Ajello, M., Annuar, A., Assef, R. J., Ballantyne, D. R., Baloković, Mislav, Bauer, F. E., Brandt, W. N., Brightman, M., Chen, C. -T J., Civano, Francesca, Comastri, A., Del Moro, A., Fuentes, C., Harrison, F. A., Marchesi, S., Masini, A., Mullaney, J. R., Ricci, C. et al. 2017. "The NuSTAR Serendipitous Survey: Hunting for the Most Extreme Obscured AGN at >10 keV." The Astrophysical Journal, 846 20.
ID: 144728
Type: article
Keywords: SAO