An Analysis of Volatile Components of the Liverworts Dumortiera hirsuta subsp. hirsuta and Dumortiera hirsuta subsp. nepalensis (Dumortieraceae) from Panama and Taxonomic Observations on the Species

An Analysis of Volatile Components of the Liverworts Dumortiera hirsuta subsp. hirsuta and Dumortiera hirsuta subsp. nepalensis (Dumortieraceae) from Panama and Taxonomic Observations on the SpeciesDOI: info:10.1177/1934578X1801300827v. 13No. 81031–1034
Durant-Archibold, Armando, Salazar Allen, Noris, Garrido, Anette, Gudiño Ledezma, Jose, and Gupta, Mahabir P. 2018. "An Analysis of Volatile Components of the Liverworts Dumortiera hirsuta subsp. hirsuta and Dumortiera hirsuta subsp. nepalensis (Dumortieraceae) from Panama and Taxonomic Observations on the Species." Natural Product Communications, 13, (8) 1031–1034.
ID: 148579
Type: article
Keywords: STRI