Chemical Compound Classification by Elemental Signatures in Castle Dust Using SEM Automated X-ray Particle Analysis

Chemical Compound Classification by Elemental Signatures in Castle Dust Using SEM Automated X-ray Particle AnalysisDOI: info:10.1017/S1431927618004087v. 24718–719
Ortiz-Montalvo, Diana L., Vicenzi, Edward P., Ritchie, Nicholas W., Grissom, Carol A., Livingston, Richard A., Weldon-Yochim, Zoe, Conny, Joseph M., and Wight, Scott A. 2018. "Chemical Compound Classification by Elemental Signatures in Castle Dust Using SEM Automated X-ray Particle Analysis." Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24 718–719.
ID: 148770
Type: article
Keywords: MCI