Measuring turbulence and gas motions in galaxy clusters via synthetic Athena X-IFU observations

Measuring turbulence and gas motions in galaxy clusters via synthetic Athena X-IFU observationsDOI: info:10.1051/0004-6361/201833371v. 618A39
Roncarelli, M., Gaspari, M., Ettori, S., Biffi, V., Brighenti, F., Bulbul, E., Clerc, N., Cucchetti, E., Pointecouteau, E., and Rasia, E. 2018. "Measuring turbulence and gas motions in galaxy clusters via synthetic Athena X-IFU observations." Astronomy and Astrophysics, 618 A39.
ID: 149414
Type: article
Keywords: SAO