Dead Wood Necromass in a Moist Tropical Forest: Stocks, Fluxes, and Spatiotemporal Variability

Dead Wood Necromass in a Moist Tropical Forest: Stocks, Fluxes, and Spatiotemporal VariabilityDOI: info:10.1007/s10021-019-00341-5v. 221189–1205
Gora, Evan M., Kneale, Riley C., Larjavaara, Markku, and Muller-Landau, Helene C. 2019. "Dead Wood Necromass in a Moist Tropical Forest: Stocks, Fluxes, and Spatiotemporal Variability." Ecosystems, 22 1189–1205.
ID: 150595
Type: article
Keywords: STRI