Host Biology and Anthropogenic Factors Affect Hepadnavirus Infection in a Neotropical Bat

Host Biology and Anthropogenic Factors Affect Hepadnavirus Infection in a Neotropical BatDOI: info:10.1007/s10393-018-1387-5v. 16No. 182–94
Hiller, Thomas, Rasche, Andrea, Brändel, Stefan Dominik, König, Alexander, Jeworowski, Lara, O'Mara, Teague M., Cottontail, Veronika, Page, Rachel A., Glebe, Dieter, Drexler, Jan Felix, and Tschapka, Marco. 2019. "Host Biology and Anthropogenic Factors Affect Hepadnavirus Infection in a Neotropical Bat." EcoHealth, 16, (1) 82–94.
ID: 151917
Type: article
Keywords: STRI