Observations of Social Polygyny, Allonursing, Extrapair Copulation, and Inbreeding in Urban San Joaquin Kit Foxes (Vulpes Macrotis Mutica)

Observations of Social Polygyny, Allonursing, Extrapair Copulation, and Inbreeding in Urban San Joaquin Kit Foxes (Vulpes Macrotis Mutica)DOI: info:10.1894/0038-4909-63-4-271v. 63No. 4Southwestern Association of Naturalists271
Westall, Tory L., Cypher, Brian L., Ralls, Katherine, and Wilbert, Tammy. 2018. "Observations of Social Polygyny, Allonursing, Extrapair Copulation, and Inbreeding in Urban San Joaquin Kit Foxes (Vulpes Macrotis Mutica)." Southwestern Naturalist, 63, (4) 271. https://doi.org/10.1894/0038-4909-63-4-271.
ID: 153125
Type: article
Keywords: NZP