Mn oxide formation by phototrophs: Spatial and temporal patterns, with evidence of an enzymatic superoxide-mediated pathway

Mn oxide formation by phototrophs: Spatial and temporal patterns, with evidence of an enzymatic superoxide-mediated pathwayDOI: info:10.1038/s41598-019-54403-8v. 9Springer NatureArticle 18244
Chaput, Dominique L., Fowler, Alexandré J., Seo, Onyou, Duhn, Kelly, Hansel, Colleen M., and Santelli, Cara M. 2019. "Mn oxide formation by phototrophs: Spatial and temporal patterns, with evidence of an enzymatic superoxide-mediated pathway." Scientific Reports, 9 Article 18244.
ID: 153403
Type: article
Keywords: NMNH; NH-Mineral Sciences