Variation of chemical compounds in wild Heliconiini reveals ecological factors involved in the evolution of chemical defences in mimetic butterflies

Variation of chemical compounds in wild Heliconiini reveals ecological factors involved in the evolution of chemical defences in mimetic butterfliesDOI: info:10.1002/ece3.60441–48
Sculfort, Ombeline, De Castro, Erika,C.P., Kozak, Krzysztof M., Bak, Sø, Elias, Marianne, Nay, Bastien, and Llaurens, Violaine. 2020. "Variation of chemical compounds in wild Heliconiini reveals ecological factors involved in the evolution of chemical defences in mimetic butterflies." Ecology and Evolution, 1–48.
ID: 154356
Type: article
Keywords: STRI