The Random Transiter - EPIC 249706694/HD 139139

The Random Transiter - EPIC 249706694/HD 139139DOI: info:10.1093/mnras/stz1772v. 4882455–2465
Rappaport, S., Vanderburg, A., Kristiansen, M. H., Omohundro, M. R., Schwengeler, H. M., Terentev, I. A., Dai, F., Masuda, K., Jacobs, T. L., LaCourse, D., Latham, David W., Bieryla, Allyson, Hedges, C. L., Dittmann, J., Barentsen, G., Cochran, W., Endl, M., Jenkins, J. M., and Mann, A. 2019. "The Random Transiter - EPIC 249706694/HD 139139." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 488 2455–2465.
ID: 154390
Type: article
Keywords: SAO