TOI-222: a single-transit TESS candidate revealed to be a 34-d eclipsing binary with CORALIE, EulerCam, and NGTS

TOI-222: a single-transit TESS candidate revealed to be a 34-d eclipsing binary with CORALIE, EulerCam, and NGTSDOI: info:10.1093/mnras/stz3545v. 4921761–1769
Lendl, Monika, Bouchy, François, Gill, Samuel, Nielsen, Louise D., Turner, Oliver, Stassun, Keivan, Acton, Jack S., Anderson, David R., Armstrong, David J., Bayliss, Daniel, Belardi, Claudia, Bryant, Edward M., Burleigh, Matthew R., Chaushev, Alexander, Casewell, Sarah L., Cooke, Benjamin F., Eigmüller, Philipp, Gillen, Edward, Goad, Michael R., Günther, Maximilian N., Hagelberg, Janis, Jenkins, James S., Louden, Tom, Marmier, Maxime, McCormac, James et al. 2020. "TOI-222: a single-transit TESS candidate revealed to be a 34-d eclipsing binary with CORALIE, EulerCam, and NGTS." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 492 1761–1769.
ID: 156715
Type: article
Keywords: SAO