Not all forests are alike: the role of commercial forest in the conservation of landscape connectivity for the giant panda

Not all forests are alike: the role of commercial forest in the conservation of landscape connectivity for the giant pandaDOI: info:10.1007/s10980-021-01262-2v. 36Springer2549–2564
Bu, Hongliang, McShea, William J., Wang, Dajun, Wang, Fang, Chen, Youping, Gu, Xiaodong, Yu, Lin, Jiang, Shiwei, Zhang, Fahui, and Li, Sheng. 2021. "Not all forests are alike: the role of commercial forest in the conservation of landscape connectivity for the giant panda." Landscape Ecology, 36 2549–2564.
ID: 159684
Type: article
Keywords: NZP