Ecology and behavior of Maxillipius commensalis, the gorgonophile amphipod from Madang, Papua New Guinea (Crustacea: Amphiopoda: Maxillipiidae)

Ecology and behavior of , the gorgonophile amphipod from Madang, Papua New Guinea (Crustacea: Amphiopoda: Maxillipiidae)v. 58No. 1314–326
Thomas, J. D. 1996. "Ecology and behavior of Maxillipius commensalis, the gorgonophile amphipod from Madang, Papua New Guinea (Crustacea: Amphiopoda: Maxillipiidae)." Bulletin of Marine Science, 58, (1) 314–326.
ID: 16040
Type: article
Keywords: NH-Invertebrate Zoology; si-staff; NMNH