Unraveling the relative role of light and water competition between lianas and trees in tropical forests: A vegetation model analysis

Unraveling the relative role of light and water competition between lianas and trees in tropical forests: A vegetation model analysisDOI: info:10.1111/1365-2745.13540v. 109No. 1British Ecological Society519–540
Meunier, Félicien, Verbeeck, Hans, Cowdery, Betsy, Schnitzer, Stefan A., Smith‐Martin, Chris M., Powers, Jennifer S., Xu, Xiangtao, Slot, Martijn, De Deurwaerder, Hannes P. T., Detto, Matteo, Bonal, Damien, Longo, Marcos, Santiago, Louis S., and Dietze, Michael. 2021. "Unraveling the relative role of light and water competition between lianas and trees in tropical forests: A vegetation model analysis." Journal of Ecology, 109, (1) 519–540. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13540.
ID: 160674
Type: article
Keywords: STRI