Integrating Pixels, People, and Political Economy to Understand the Role of Armed Conflict and Geopolitics in Driving Deforestation: The Case of Myanmar

Integrating Pixels, People, and Political Economy to Understand the Role of Armed Conflict and Geopolitics in Driving Deforestation: The Case of MyanmarDOI: info:10.3390/rs13224589v. 13No. 22MDPI
Woods, Kevin M., Wang, Panshi, Sexton, Joseph O., Leimgruber, Peter, Wong, Jesse, and Huang, Qiongyu. 2021. "Integrating Pixels, People, and Political Economy to Understand the Role of Armed Conflict and Geopolitics in Driving Deforestation: The Case of Myanmar." Remote Sensing, 13, (22).
ID: 164237
Type: article
Keywords: nzp