Contrasting bacteriome of the hornwort Leiosporoceros dussiiin two nearby sites with emphasis on the hornwort-cyanobacterial symbiosis

Contrasting bacteriome of the hornwort Leiosporoceros dussiiin two nearby sites with emphasis on the hornwort-cyanobacterial symbiosisDOI: info:10.1007/s13199-020-00680-1v. 81No. 1SPRINGER39–52
Bouchard, R., Penaloza-Bojaca, G., Toupin, S., Guadalupe, Yessenia, Gudino, Jose, Salazar Allen, Noris, Li, F. W., and Villarreal, Juan Carlos A. 2020. "Contrasting bacteriome of the hornwort Leiosporoceros dussiiin two nearby sites with emphasis on the hornwort-cyanobacterial symbiosis." Symbiosis, 81, (1) 39–52.
ID: 164668
Type: article
Keywords: STRI