Arboreal camera trapping sheds light on seed dispersal of the world's only epiphytic gymnosperm: Zamia pseudoparasitica

Arboreal camera trapping sheds light on seed dispersal of the world's only epiphytic gymnosperm: Zamia pseudoparasiticaDOI: info:10.1002/ece3.8769v. 12No. 3Wiley
Monteza-Moreno, Claudio M., Rodriguez-Castro, Lilisbeth, Castillo-Caballero, Pedro L., Toribio, Edgar, and Saltonstall, Kristin. 2022. "Arboreal camera trapping sheds light on seed dispersal of the world's only epiphytic gymnosperm: Zamia pseudoparasitica." Ecology and Evolution, 12, (3).
ID: 164790
Type: article
Keywords: STRI