Enclosed nests may provide greater thermal than nest predation benefits compared with open nests across latitudes

Enclosed nests may provide greater thermal than nest predation benefits compared with open nests across latitudesDOI: info:10.1111/1365-2435.12819v. 31No. 61231–1240
Martin, Thomas E., Boyce, Andy J., Fierro‐Calderón, Karolina, Mitchell, Adam E., Armstad, Connor E., Mouton, James C., and Bin Soudi, Evertius E. 2017. "Enclosed nests may provide greater thermal than nest predation benefits compared with open nests across latitudes." Functional Ecology, 31, (6) 1231–1240. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.12819.
ID: 165597
Type: article