Museum Genomics Provide Evidence for Persistent Genetic Differentiation in a Threatened Seabird Species in the Western Atlantic

Museum Genomics Provide Evidence for Persistent Genetic Differentiation in a Threatened Seabird Species in the Western AtlanticDOI: info:10.1093/icb/icac107Oxford University Press Incorporated
Byerly, Paige A., Chesser, R. Terry, Fleischer, Robert C., McInerney, Nancy, Przelomska, Natalia A. S., and Leberg, Paul L. 2022. "Museum Genomics Provide Evidence for Persistent Genetic Differentiation in a Threatened Seabird Species in the Western Atlantic." Integrative and Comparative Biology,
ID: 166077
Type: article
Keywords: NZP; NMNH; NH-Vertebrate Zoology