Precipitation, vegetation productivity, and human impacts control home range size of elephants in dryland systems in northern Namibia

Precipitation, vegetation productivity, and human impacts control home range size of elephants in dryland systems in northern NamibiaDOI: info:10.1002/ece3.9288v. 12No. 9Wiley
Benitez, Lorena, Kilian, J. Werner, Wittemyer, George, Hughey, Lacey F., Fleming, Chris H., Leimgruber, Peter, du Preez, Pierre, and Stabach, Jared A. 2022. "Precipitation, vegetation productivity, and human impacts control home range size of elephants in dryland systems in northern Namibia." Ecology and Evolution, 12, (9).
ID: 166341
Type: article
Keywords: NZP