Stellar kinematics of dwarf galaxies from multi-epoch spectroscopy: application to Triangulum II

Stellar kinematics of dwarf galaxies from multi-epoch spectroscopy: application to Triangulum IIDOI: info:10.1093/mnras/stac1441v. 5141706–1719
Buttry, Rachel, Pace, Andrew B., Koposov, Sergey E., Walker, Matthew G., Caldwell, Nelson, Kirby, Evan N., Martin, Nicolas F., Mateo, Mario, Olszewski, Edward W., Starkenburg, Else, Badenes, Carles, and Daher, Christine Mazzola. 2022. "Stellar kinematics of dwarf galaxies from multi-epoch spectroscopy: application to Triangulum II." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514 1706–1719.
ID: 166968
Type: article
Keywords: SAO