Prominence and Filament Eruptions Observed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory: Statistical Properties, Kinematics, and Online Catalog

Prominence and Filament Eruptions Observed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory: Statistical Properties, Kinematics, and Online CatalogDOI: info:10.1007/s11207-015-0699-7v. 2901703–1740
McCauley, P. I., Su, Y. N., Schanche, N., Evans, K. E., Su, C., McKillop, S., and Reeves, K. K. 2015. "Prominence and Filament Eruptions Observed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory: Statistical Properties, Kinematics, and Online Catalog." Solar Physics, 290 1703–1740.
ID: 167014
Type: article
Keywords: SAO